[00:00:00] Did you know? Psychological progress Greater appreciation of life or personal strengths can happen after stressful or traumatic events. Psychologists call this post traumatic growth. Researchers studied 4,000 high risk US military veterans exposed to trauma to learn more about post Traumatic stress disorder ptsd. Vets recalled traumatic events, PTSD symptoms and post traumatic growth in relationship to demographic variables, military trauma health and personality characteristics.
[00:00:27] 60% of trauma exposed vets and 86% of vets with PTSD reported moderate to high post traumatic growth scores. Vets scoring higher growth were non Caucasian, had lower income, greater life trauma, supportive social and emotional traits, social connectedness and spirituality. Vets re experiencing traumatic symptoms also had new possibilities personal strength and post traumatic growth. Moderate to high levels of PTSD symptoms were associated with greater levels of post post traumatic growth leading to deeper reflection and resilience as individuals sought meaning and adapted to their trauma. Reducing severe PTSD symptoms and fostering post traumatic growth in vets required effort. Encouraging thoughtful reflection in life and traumatic experiences helped foster their post traumatic growth and especially helped vets who experienced trauma like war, combat injuries or illness. Let's open our hearts, find ways to reach out and encourage post traumatic growth in our veterans.