[00:00:00] Can the weight of student loan debt enhance graduate success getting full time jobs or does it deter them? 61% of U.S. bachelor degree graduates complete college with over $28,000 in debt. Research shows that debt delays milestones like marriage and home ownership. But does debt affect obtaining employment? Management psychologists examined how student loan debt influences job outcomes for new graduates and over 1250 graduating seniors at four diverse US universities. They they surveyed participants student loan debt, financial and job search drain one month before and employment status one month after graduation. Results the greater their debt, students had more job search anxiety and financial strain and were less likely to have secured full time employment within one month of graduation. However, a positive effect was that financial strain likely led some students to work an average of nine hours during their final semester, which improved their odds of finding full time employment. Students during college to feel more in control and reduce your financial strain, find work for one day a week while you study hard, gain experience, thus confidence, focus, get organized and apply for employment. These steps likely will enhance your job search success.